One theme. One poet. One memoirist.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Hey reader(s),

Since we first started blogging here, I've been wondering at the utter lack of comments (particularly because I'm a poet and apparently utterly self-involved.) Is our writing really that bad? Do people not like the themes? Are we both really boring?

Apparently none of these have been the case. The problem has been with Bloggers default commenting settings. These have been changed and you no longer need a Google ID to drop us a note and tell us how much you love what we've been doing, or make suggestions for themes, or ask to write a guest post.

We look forward to hearing from you.


  1. You do realize, Prosen, that if no one comments now, it's evidence that we're terrible.

  2. You asked for this, Murphy.

    Or they could just hate the fact that I don't understand grammar.

  3. Comment. And, I like to follow up on an individual, private level, rather than for the whole world to see :) Love you both. gwenny

  4. I hesitate to comment since I am not a believer in a god who oversees the universe and cares for us. So to bring the profane in seems like bad manners.


